Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 3, 2010

My mother is amazing! I offered to have Easter dinner/celebration at our house this year. My mother has always done it, but it was going to be too much work with my father this year. She did insist on supplying the Easter baskets. I went to her house a few days before to find the baskets perfectly organized and filled (equally, of course). The challenge for me was that I had to hide 19 baskets in my house. I think I did pretty good. Some people looked for a good hour.

April 2, 2010

Dyed Easter eggs! After I convinced my youngest that dying them did NOT mean killing them, he decided it would be fun. I almost forgot all about dying them this year. Within 24 hours of dying them, all but one was eaten.

April 1, 2010

This is the picture done by the artist , Andy McNally. A class at one of my schools chose his illustrations to write a Storybird story. He was so honored that they used his artwork, that he created this masterpiece for the class based on their story. WOW!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

March 31, 2010

This is one of my favorite signs of Spring-onion grass. I love the smell of it!

March 30, 2010

Today I was in a class while they were Skyping with another class involved in the Progressive Story Project. It made my day to see that they were connecting. I love the project. It is a lot of work, but so well worth it!

March 29, 2010

The boys re happy to have their swingset back up. They were sitting up there reading and laughing today. :)

March 28, 2010

Twitter. I have learned so much and connected with so many amazing people through Twitter.

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